Thursday, November 2, 2006

Proton Treatments started on 11/02/06

Heath started his Proton Radiation treatments today. He will get a total of 29 treatments. This is why he is in Boston so let's pray that these treatments completely kill his tumor in his sacrum.

Heath finished his Photon Radiation treatments on Wednesday, November 1st. He had 10 treatments. His treatments were scheduled for 4:20PM every day but the staff at Mass General in the Cox Building was very helpful and changed Heath's schedule to help him get done with the chemo earlier. Mass General, just like Moffitt, is a wonderful hospital and we are very glad to be there.

Heath finished his first of two rounds of chemo that he will get in Boston on Monday night and was released from Mass General on Tuesday afternoon. He seemed to tolerate this round fairly well. We'll know in the next 2 weeks how his blood counts hold up and when they can schedule him for the next round of chemo.

Tuesday was Halloween so Mass General Ellison 18 (that's the pediatric floor that Heath was on) organized a trick or treat tour of Mass General for the kids on the floor. It ended with a pizza party where they fed us lunch. Heath and Allen had a good time and yes they were in custom. I'll post some pictures later when I get them.