Monday, May 8, 2006

Second cycle of chemo

Heath was admitted back at Moffitt to start his second cycle of chemo on Sunday, 5/7/2006.

This cycle will consist of three rounds. This round will be the chemo that is hard on him, Adriamycin & Cisplatin. He should be coming home on Wednesday evening. We are hoping that he will tolerate this chemo better this time around because he is in a much better state then the last time he took it. He is completely off all pain medication and almost pain free.

After this round of chemo, he will get 2 weeks to recover and then have two rounds of the Methotrexate chemo to complete this cycle. At that point they will do another MRI scan to see how the tumor is reacting to the chemo.

Please pray that Heath will tolerate this chemo better and that the chemo will continue to kill the tumor.