Thursday, July 6, 2006

Goods news from MRI Scan

The tumor appears to be either the same size or slightly smaller but definitely not growing according to the doctors from a scan they did last week.

Heath came out of the last round of chemo better due to the all the antibiotics that they perscribed for him. He didn't get any mouth sores or sore throat and seven days out of the chemo he started feeling better.

He did have to make an unscheduled visit last week due to severe lower stomach pains. They scanned his digestive system and appendix. Karis also had them scan the pelvic area since he was scheduled for labs and a scan on 7/5/06. That way they wouldn't have to put him through another scan.

The scan showed an impaction which was causing the pains in the lower stomach, probably caused by the heavy antibiotics and not eating for five days during the chemo. He had to take some mineral oil and get back on the senokot. His white blood cell count was very low, 300 I think. He did get the Neulasta shot again after this chemo and on 7/1/06 he had another shot that they put him on to help with the blood counts called Aranesp. He will need the Aranesp shot every 14 days now because his blood counts have not been staying up where they should.

On 7/5/06, Karis took Heath back to Moffitt for labs. His white blood cell count was back up to 1200 which is a safe range. Karis and Heath got to look at the scans and compare it to the scan he took about 6 weeks ago, after the first cycle of chemo. They both thought that the tumor definitely looked smaller, Praise the Lord.