Sunday, March 2, 2008

Heath is scheduled for surgery at 8:45AM on Monday, 3/3/08

As of now, Heath is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning at 8:45AM.

Heath was admitted into Moffitt on Thursday due to fluid in his lungs. They quickly realized that his right lung was collapsed due to being filled with fluid. They called it Pleural effusion. It was so bad that his heart was being pushed over. They put in a chest tube to start draining the fluid. So far they have drained 10 liters of fluid. Initially, they said it could be pneumonia or cancer that is causing the Pleural effusion. They have sent off a sample of the fluid to biopsy it. They will not have results on that until probably Tuesday.

Going back a little, on January 2 they found another spot on his right lung. They decided to just keep a close eye on it because it was very small. Karis moved up the follow-up scan because Heath has been coughing and not feeling well at all in his chest. Plus she didn't want him to get x-rays here and then have to get them at Moffitt.

He had more w-rays last night so I'm guessing that the doctors looked at them this morning and decided to schedule surgery. They said that he still has fluid on the bottom 3 lobes of the right lung. They are going to perform a right video assisted thorascopic surgery to remove the remaining fluid with a possible right pleuroresis (process to make the lung stick to the wall) and possibly remove the spot that they found back on January 2. They will look at the rest of the lung if possible.

That's all I know at this point. We do ask that you try and check this blog for updates to help reduce the amount of time that Karis needs to spend on the phone for several reasons. Feel free to call me for updates if needed.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers